The Scriptures vs. Catholicism | Conclusion

by David Lasseter


If you’re studying with a Catholic, I pray this summary has given you some tools to use in your study.  If you’re a Catholic and have questions about your religion, I pray this summary has answered the questions you have.  If you didn’t have any questions before you read this article I pray some questions have entered your mind.  We must be like the Bereans and search the scriptures daily to see if the things we’re hearing are true (Acts 17:11).  The Lord has been so gracious to us in giving us the instructions we need in order to obey His will and be pleasing to Him.  He didn’t leave us “groping in the dark”, hoping to stumble onto His will and forced to spend our entire lives wondering if we’ve done what He’s commanded.  As I mentioned in my opening, I stand ready to help you in any way I can and to answer any question you may have.  If I’m unable to answer it, I’ll research the scriptures and find the answer or refer you to someone who can answer it.  I pray you have a fruitful study of God’s word.


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