It is Settled! | A series of lessons from the Bible

by Howell Lasseter


The Tenth Plague

The first two plagues sent against Pharaoh, his "magicians" were able to imitate - turning water to blood and bringing frogs forth upon Egypt. When they tried to bring forth lice, the third plague, they could not. They themselves said to Pharaoh, "this is the finger of God" (Exodus 8:9). The fourth plague, flies, clearly showed God's people were in the land of Goshen; no flies were there. Then, with the fifth plague, Egyptian cattle died but the cattle of the Israelites did not. The sixth plague - boils - also afflicted the Egyptians but not the Israelites. The boils were so severe even the Egyptian magicians could not stand before Moses. In Exodus chapters 8 and 9, we see that, while Pharaoh and his magicians knew of the coming plagues, the Egyptian people were not warned. Beginning with the 7th plague-hail- the Egyptian people were warned that hail would be coming the next day. Exodus 9:20 says there were some Egyptians who believed this warning. They sought shelter for both themselves and their cattle. The plagues of locusts and darkness followed, after which Pharaoh warned Moses if he saw him again, Moses would die. To which, Moses said, "I will see thy face no more." Pharaoh had seen and endured the nine plagues. He knew it was by God through Moses that these plagues came, and were removed. In Exodus 11:4-8, he was warned of plague #10. Pharaoh knew what was going to happen; yet he refused to let the people go.

In order to be spared from the tenth plague, there was something the Israelites must do. Moses clearly spelled out what God required: A lamb, from the sheep or the goats, was to be killed in the evening. Take of its blood, strike it on the two side posts and upper door post of the house in which they would eat the slain lamb. The lamb was to be roasted with fire, not raw or sodden with water. Along with the lamb, they would eat unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They were to eat all of the lamb, or to burn any that remained with fire. They were to stay in their houses that night. At midnight, the Lord smote all the firstborn of the Egyptians. There was not one house that did not have a death in it (Exodus 12:30).

We pose two questions for all of us to consider: 1-Which of these requirements of God could the Israelites omit, and yet escape the fate the Egyptians suffered? We can truthfully and rightfully say the Israelites had to do all God's commands, as Moses had revealed; 2-Why, do you think, with Pharaoh knowing that everything Moses had said would happen had happened, did he not let the Israelites go? See Exodus 10:27-11:1.

What about today? Are we willing to do all God commands? Or, will we suffer the fate pronounced by God on those who do not obey Him completely? "In flaming fire taking vengeance on those who know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power..." (2 Thessalonians 1:8,9).

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