It is Settled! | A series of lessons from the Bible

by Howell Lasseter


The Baptism of Jesus -- Holy Spirit Baptism?

Integrity is a trait that all should endeavor to have; it is essential in every walk of life. We mentioned last week the integrity of our local teachers, regarding mathematical facts. There is no disagreement on basic equations, such as 1+1=2; 2+2=4; 1-1=0, and 0-0=0. At the close of today's article, a simple algebraic equation will be used to show the simplicity of God's plan for man's salvation. But first,...

Several denominations teach that the baptism of Jesus is Holy Spirit baptism, and not baptism in water. They assert that this is the reason Jesus did not baptize (John 4:2, and Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians 1:17). How do we reconcile the statement that Jesus baptized more people than John, the Baptist (John 4:1), if Jesus baptized not at all? Really, it is simple, isn't it? Jesus taught one must be baptized, and His disciples baptized all who "accepted" the counsel of God to be baptized.

Teachers who claim the baptism of Jesus is Holy Spirit baptism have created a very difficult position for themselves. Perhaps you are asking, "Why?" Assuming it is correct that the baptism of Jesus is Holy Spirit baptism, when would anyone ever have received it? The ones denying Jesus commanded water baptism for salvation want to receive Holy Spirit baptism. Please note carefully the position one is in when contending for this conclusion: If the baptism of Jesus was "Holy Spirit baptism," it would be essential for Jesus Himself to baptize, because He would be the only one who could pass the Holy Spirit on, at this time. If, as it is alleged, Jesus' baptism was Holy Spirit baptism, and since He "did not baptize," no one could have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. None of the disciples ever could baptize with the Holy Spirit; Acts 8 tell us that, after Pentecost, the 12 (and later, the apostle Paul) could impart some measure of the Spirit by the laying on of their hands. Therefore, since Jesus "baptized not," any person teaching that Jesus' baptism was Holy Spirit baptism would have to conclude that no one ever received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. However, clear Bible passages (Acts 2; Acts 8; Acts 10 & 11) show us that such a conclusion is wrong; therefore, any teacher who holds and teaches the position that Jesus' baptism was Holy Spirit baptism is wrong!

Where, then, do we start to arrive at the correct conclusion? The beginning point is the baptism Jesus taught. The New Testament is clear about the fact that the baptism Jesus commanded is water baptism (Acts 8:36-39; 10:47). Romans 6:3-5 describes the baptism in water as a symbol of Jesus' death (when His blood was shed on Calvary), His burial, and His resurrection.

Forty days after Jesus' resurrection from the dead, He gave the command to "teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost" (Matthew 28:19). Ten days after this, we read of the first occurrence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The 12 apostles received it (Acts 2). At this time, when the first gospel sermon was preached by Peter and the 11, the baptism in water that Jesus commanded came into effect and John's baptism became invalid. As noted above, the 12 apostles, those baptized with Holy Spirit baptism, could impart to others spiritual gifts by the laying on of their hands (Acts 8). After this, none other received the Holy Spirit without the laying on of an apostle's hands, with the exception of Saul (who became Paul, the apostle), and the household of Cornelius (Acts 9; Acts 11). No person today can miraculously heal, or speak in a language which he has not learned, or do any of the gifts of the Spirit given to Christians in the first century!

Now, to the algebraic equation: H+B(F)+R+C+B=S. Next week, we will discuss this in greater length. Please join us!

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