It is Settled! | A series of lessons from the Bible

by Howell Lasseter


It is now 2003. It is our hope that each reader had a safe and happy holiday season. As we begin our studies in 2003, let's consider a series of questions.  To answer correctly the questions below, study the scriptures given:

1. Matthew 28:18: All what in heaven and in earth had been given to Jesus? May any man attempt to take this from the Lord?

2. Matthew 28:16,19,20: What 3 things were the eleven disciples instructed to do?

3. Matthew 28:20: Find the word that makes clear the seriousness of Jesus’ instructions. What were the disciples to teach?

4. Considering the scripture above, did the disciples have authority to change any of Jesus’ commands?

5. Mark 16:15,16: Where, and to whom, were the disciples to go? What were they to teach?

6. In light of Mark 16:15,16, what is each person in the world to believe, and to do, to be saved?

Now, let’s focus on the latter part of verse 16 of Mark 16: “but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Many religious false teachers claim Mark 16:16-20 is not part of the New Testament because it doesn’t appear in some manuscripts. Yet, these same false teachers are quick to go to Mark 16:16b to say, “See, baptism is not necessary, because this verse says ‘he that believeth not shall be damned.’ It doesn’t say ‘he that is not baptized’ shall be damned. So, all that is necessary is to believe.” False teachers do not search out all the Bible says on a subject. Look at John 8:24: “if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.” Clearly, one who doesn’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God will not obey any command, including the command to repent and the command to be baptized! If you have seriously looked at the scriptures noted in questions 1 through 6, you will know each one must believe the saving, world-wide gospel (good news) and must be baptized in order to be saved.

“But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:9; see also Mark 7:6-13). It is a serious matter that, not just during the December holiday season, but throughout the year, false teachers do the very thing about which Jesus warned in these scriptures. May each of us determine that in 2003, we will study God’s Word, accepting and obeying only God’s commands!

It is Settled!


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